Saturday, June 7, 2014


hey guys its been a long time since i blogged, i know, and i'm really sorry for that. i just wanna say thank you to all my followers and those who have been reading my blog and supporting it. So, for my latest Instagram picture on my converse shoes that i spray painted. Many people asked me how i did it, and they wanted to see more pics. so here are some pics: 

so this converse of mine, was actually black. but then the color started to fade away as i have been using it for quite some time now. my friends started saying "Eleanor where did you get your green converse? i have never seen that kind of green before" "omg eleanor i like you shoes, they are green!" haha they were not mocking me, they actually didn't know it was black. so i decided to add my own colors considering it has been so dull and worn our for quite awhile...
firstly i only used three colors: fluorescent pink, orange and yellow. (NIPPON SPRAY PAINT) you can find it in any art stores i think. i got mine beside Laselle. 
first, for the left shoe, i sprayed orange on the front of the shoe then slowly blended the sides. Then i sprayed yellow behind the shoe slowly joining it to the orange and overlap the colors to give it a mixed color.
i did the same thing for the right shoe, except i use pink and orange. 
i am currently customising shoes for people too, all you have to do, is give me a pair of your shoes that you want to be sprayed. You can pick the color of you choice too! 
Colors available: pink, yellow, orange, green. (might be bringing in blue and purple soon)  How much does it cost? For more information please email me at . 
thank you guys for all the support (:

Eleanor Lee

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